Saturday, December 01, 2012


I was going to post some photos of the vege patch this morning - but I can't find my camera to even take the pics let alone post them.  GRRRR....

Most annoying....

So you will just have to visualise the following......

The upside down tomato is doing really well.  It has flowers and what looks to me like strong stalks.  I got a liquid feed the other day.

Out the front the corn seeds I planted have sprouted!!  I counted 10 out of the 18 that I planted.  Supposed to have a 99% germination rate - so maybe birds got the other seeds.  I will wait the weekend and put in some more if the others come up.

I also put in 4 pumpkins and 2 have germinated.  They are only tiny bits of green poking up out of the mulch at this point, but they're growing.  I now just need to keep the water up to them and give them a feed in a few weeks time.

The 2 tomato plants out the front have fruit!!  4 to be exact.  They are the smallest bushes but fruit has set.

I have been eating the odd strawberry too when I go out to water.  tiny little things but strawberries none the less.  Must remember to feed them too.

The rhubarb is going strong - well 1 plant is.  The other one is a bit spindly looking.  There is almost enough to harvest on the good plant!!

I should probably feed the spuds too.  The heat of 2 days ago didn't knock things around too much.  I thought everything would curl up and wilt, if not die.

Still haven't gotten around to transplanting the other tomato, capsicum, broccoli and lettuces yet.  Poor things........

When hubby painted the front of the house (downstairs outside) he removed what xmas lights I had up from last year and just plonked them in a pile in the garden.  Well last night I put one string over a Diosma and another in the Hibiscus bush.  They are both solar sets, so if I can get them both to work properly our front door area will look quite festive.