Monday, December 17, 2012

Low Fat Cooking

Well I think I may have found the right-for-me low fat cookbooks. 

They have recipes that when you read the name you know exactly what you are getting - tonight is Chicken with Cashews for dinner.  It is chicken, cashews and vegetables - very much like what I would have made in the past but without all the fat.  These books are also suitable for diabetics - that's hubby.

They also have inspiring testimonials from people who have used them to lose weight; which is something I desperately need to do.

I was out shopping at a local small plaza the other day - it might be 500-600m from 1 end to the other.  As luck would have it, I had to shop at both ends.  Walking firstly down to the other end was a effort - getting back a major effort.  I wanted to have a sit down before I went back!!

I am unfit cardio-wise, overweight by heaps (I could probabaly halve myself) and have a sore knee to boot.  The knee is getting worse the older I get and I know my weight doesn't help it.

Yesterday I only had half of what I would normally have for breakfast and much less than usual for lunch.  Today I have done the same.

It's a week to Christmas and I have all dinners already planned.  Here's hoping they taste alright.

Since we will be going away for 2-3 weeks over Xmas/New Year and I don;t cook whilst away I can probably write that time off in the low fat stakes.  The trick will be to not go 'what the hell' and just eat whatever.

Let's see how this goes......