Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tomatoes and Potatoes

here we come.....

Well hopefully anyway.  My experiment to grow a tomato bush upside down came to ground this morning - literally.

Whilst putting washing on the line the whole pot (if you can call it that) fell to the ground with a thud.  Thank goodness I was there to quickly rescue the poor thing and put it back up.  I did loose part of the plant - the middle shoot!! 

I gave it a drink with some seaweed extract in it, so hopefully it will recover.

I also planted out the other 2 seedlings I purchased at the same time as the upside down one in the front yard beds.  Currently they are in potting mix in boxes.  You can see one of them in this pic.

The bed will get the straw and compost/maure treatment too.  Tommorrw seems like a good day to do that.

The poppies are fom last year - I am surprised they did not die off over winter.

These are my potatoes.  So far I have topped up the bags 3 times and I will do another lot soon.  The empty bag is not really empty - it just has the store bought potatoes that have not done anything yet.  Maybe they never will......

Friday, October 05, 2012

Vege Patch 2012

Today I finally got around to mostly sorting out the front yard vege patch after winter.  The grass around them was clipped down and then put into the beds.  I think this will be ok and will provide some green manure.  After all it all breaks down in the compost bin doesn't it? 

I have 2 beds nearly ready for some seeds to go in.  They still need another layer of compost and straw and then they'll ready.  The other 2 beds have yet to be redone - they both have flowering poppies that were planted last year growing strongly.

I will put in tomatoes, pumpkins from some seeds I saved from bought one, zucchini again and broccoli.  Maybe some capsicum too - if the seeds germinate.  I received the tomato seedlings the other day so they need to be planted out soon too.  I want to try doing one upside down and still need to find a place to hang it.  Maybe on the clothesline in the centre.

I also got my corn seeds.  These I will plant out at the end of the month into filled cardboard boxes.  Since they take only 12 weeks from planting to harvest this should not a problem, at least that's what I hope.  I think I will put these out the back along the fence - hopefully the dogs won't dig into  them.

My planted out potatoes seem to be doing their thing.  The seed spuds are anyway.  The couple I kept from the supermarket have yet to rear their heads above the dirt.