Friday, October 04, 2013

Peas and Beans and Worms

The pea seedlings are doing ok - they are starting to flower and I even had 1 pod.  The poor plant is only 6 inches high and yet it is fruiting - if that's the right term.  I ate the pod straight from the plant - very tasty.

A number of the peas seedlings have been eaten by something - I presume snails or slugs.  So I put down more snail bait and planted a few more seeds.  Hopefully that will do the trick.

My beans seeds have started to sprout.  8 very healthy looking seedlings of 1 variety and 6 of another.  Yay!!  And I noticed that the carrots are beginning to sprout too.

I bought some more capsicum seedlings yesterday too.  I will have to plant them later today - after I have done the costumes for Sunday's photo shoot.

I haven't fed the worms in a few days.  I figure they have enough to eat with all the newspaper and cardboard and leaf litter that was in the box before they go put in.  No Worm Tea as yet - probably not enough Worms and a lot of dry leaf litter/paper to soak it all up.  Must check on them.