Sunday, December 23, 2012

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well for 2012 that is.....

The corn is up and doing well.  The potatoes are turning yellow - though 1 is staring to have some new growth so who knows what that means.  My upside down tomato looks like it is dying.  I think it needs to be watered more often.  the 2 tomaotes out the front are doing ok.  Not as big as I thought they would get but they have fruit.

I just have to make the time to set up a watereing system for the front beds so that when we are away the eldest can just come home from work, turn on the timer and forget about them.  I made her water them last night - not sure she did a good job, but at least she did it.

Tommorrow I have to do said watering system, make rumballs (minus the rum), make pasta salad, make greek almond crescents and get some flowers for Dad.  Should be able to do that, so long as I don't get on here and start looking at things like this......