Saturday, December 08, 2012

17 days till Christmas

and I haven't even thought of what to get for family gifts....

I better hurry up. 

Each year since the kids were born I have given them their own Christmas decoration.  That way when they finally leave home they will have a collection for their own tree that is full of memories.  I also do the same for my neice and nephew.

Last year I gave them all hand made ones.  This year my guys got hallmark ones and I think the neice/nephew will get another handmade felt one.  I just found a great small wreath ornament that won't break the bank or take too long to put together.

Now for gifts.....

I have 1 for youngest, 2 for eldest, none for middle (but he's overseas so he may just have to deal with cash), and ZERO for anyone else.  There's only 6 of the anyone else, but that still 6 people to organise a gift for and absolutley no idea on what to give them.  Plus there's the whole "what do you give someone with aged demntia who doesn't know you anymore" saga.  I did think of knitting a dog like the demented person (is that rude?) had as a young man, but not sure I will have enough time to do it.

Ohhhh decisions, decisions......