Friday, December 21, 2012

Just ranting

According to new age philosophy if I have something that is bugging me I need to write it down and burn it.  It works too - I have done that in the past.  It is really good when you feel you cannot tell the person involved (that's if someone is the cause of the bugginess as opposed to something).

So - in line with burning it (sending to the ether so to speak) I am going to write it all down here.

And you get to read it - sorry about that - you can just scroll down if you like.

How long will it take for a child to grow up?  I have a 24yo that seems to think that her bathroom is not her responsiblity to keep clean, that it's ok to have her bedroom look like a bomb has hit it.  I mean really.  Who can live in a place where the only floor space is a narrow path to the bed?  She has to step over things to get to the wardrobe.  Not that she really uses the wardrobe anymore.  Most if not all of her clothing is just chucked on the floor.  Last time I cleaned up in there I got 6 loads of washing off the floor and I forget how many small bags of rubbish (chocolate wrappers, empty drink bottles, biscuit packets etc).  There were bugs in the carpet!!  And she wonders why she gets migraines.  There is no room for clean energy to move around in that room; I have no idea the last time the floor was vacuumed.  She has a tendency to just buy new clothes all the time.  Sure she works in clothing retail and they have to wear current stock, but it seems jut about every 2nd day she comes home with more new stuff.  When I cleaned up I found 5-6 new things, still with tags on still in the bags she brought them home in.  oh and she winges that I have been in her room when I do clean it for her...  Go figure!

And the bathroom.....  there is her stuff all over the bench.  She shares with her younger sister and the bathroom is really only a ensuite bathroom - quite small and no bath.  The last time I was in there, which was only last week, the sink was BROWN and covered in bits of hair etc.  There was makeup and hair products all over the available space.  When I told her to clean it up I got this grunt/groan that she does when told to do soemething that she doesn't want to do.  I wouldn't want to brush my teeth in a BROWN sink - would you?  It's disgusting.  Their toilet often keeps running due to the dust/dirt on the top of the cistern, their shower is a mould beasts favourite house.  The floor is usually a light tan colour too - it should be white.  They both have a tendency to use fake tan spray in there - but not in the shower cubicle where the overspray is contained and they can hose it off the walls.  No they use it in the rest of the small room and it gets all over the floor...

Sometimes i think I really should be doing that - cleaning the bathroom and their rooms - for them.  After all I am the mother.  But then I think, f@#k it all, they're old enough to take responsibilty for the areas they use.  It's not like I am in that part of the house everyday anyway.  I rarely go there (it's upstairs).  And if I do it's usually go fetch the dishes and glasses they have taken upstairs as we have run out, or it's to fix the toilet from running.   UUGGGGHHHHH...

I learned yesterday that the eldest is apparently going to move in with a friend in a few months time when the friends house is finally finished.  The friend doesn't want to live all by herself and her partner works interstate.  I pity the friend...