Monday, September 24, 2012

Vege Garden Update

Well the seeds I put in for Broccoli and Lettuce are really doing well.  They are both getting tall (should they do this?) but have yet to get their first set of real leaves.  I am still waiting on the arrival of my tomato seedlings.

I really need to weed out the front yard beds - but I can't be bothered!!  This is not a good way to be for someone who is trying to be a tiny bit self sufficient.  I keep coming up with excuses - too cold/wet/windy - BUT I really need to get to it SOON.  Otherwise I will have seedlings and no where to put them.

The Potatoes are snug in their bags and showing no sign of growing up just yet.

On another note - Hubby is home for the next 2 weeks.  The company he works for has no work for a lot of their staff.  He works on constructions sites - the last site he was on had 25 guys sacked!!  Some were with the company for over 20 years.  Things will be a bit tight here for a while me thinks.