Monday, September 17, 2012


Just pulled up the last of the carrots that were planted AAAGES ago.  Every single one of them is puny beyond belief.  There is 1 or 2 that may be fit for people to eat - I'm thinking dog food for the rest.

Watered the potatoes - locked my self out of the house and had to go get the spare key - thank goodness the last person to use it had put it back.  No sign of spuds growing much yet.

Checked the other seeds in their mini hot house.  The lettuce is coming up and so is the broccoli (they're towards the back).

Bought a long trough to transplant the lettuce into once it gets big enough.  Need some more potting mix to do this.  Still waiting on the tomato seedlings to arrive.

Yesterday being Sunday was Joyday.  So I took the day to start making a new dress to wear to a weeding we are going to in 3 weeks.  The fabric I have is a mid-grey with cream spots satin.  The dress pattern  was a bit small, but I figured with my sewing skills I could up-size it to fit.  Cut it all out adding in extra fabric where I thought I needed it.  Sewed up the bodice - includes a wrap-shawly collar.  Thought I had better see if this will fit.  So chucked it on and got eldest to see if it would do up in the back.  Noooo, it won't!  Boo Hoo.  So back to the fabric store for more fabric and the larger pattern...  This is what I get for not buying the correct size pattern in the first place.

I have visions in my head of this being a really nice dress.