Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Vege garden update on April 9's post

I have made some in roads to my list of things to do out the front that I posted about on April 9.

I have started to dig up the grass and lay down mulch.  This is hard work and it is a standstill at the moment as I have to wait to get the green rubbish bin emptied.  That will happen this Friday.  Ok so I don't really have to wait, but I would rather put the grass straight into the bin than have to heap it up somewhere and then double handle it into the bin once it is empty.

The corn is all removed and cut up.  Most of it went into a vege bed to compost down, some went into the bin.

I have filled 3 of the 4 beds with compost, manure and soil.  Just waiting on the last pumpkin to die off so I can deal with the last bed.  It may have to have a green manure crop in it over winter.

The leaves down the sideway got swept up by hubby.  I found him putting them into the green waste bin.  I was so upset by that.  It should have all gone onto the garden bed as mulch!!  He even raked up / scraped off the mulch under our lone olive tree.  He has no idea about gardening at all.  Sometimes I believe that we have no common goal in life - but that is a whole other post.

The peas have been planted with frames for them to climb up.  I have also planted out 2 types of lettuce, some spinach and some pansies and primula.  Still need to throw down some carrot and pak choy seeds.  I wonder if I could mix them up and sew together??

I have purchased and edging to define where the vege garden is.  There will be enough left over to put an edge around the gun tree in our nature strip.

That is all to update on my April 9 list.  Still a way to go, but I will get there.

I got a gardening brochure the other day.  It always makes me want to plant out more things.  Like apple trees, roses, nut trees, etc.  With an unresponsive garden wise hubby I wonder if that would be possible.......