Sunday, September 11, 2016

more seeds

Not much to report, but I recently planted some dwarf snap peas and three different lots of climbing beans in the earth boxes. Peas in one and beans in the other.  I had help via the puppy who was very keen to see what I was doing.  When the time is right I will put in some carrot seeds in the rest of these boxes.  I have a Moon Gardening Calendar and am trying to follow that.

I also removed the old plastic fencing from around the roses and replaced it with the wire fencing I bought last week. I also added in some sugar cane mulch around them.  You can see it in the background of this photo.

I also finished off the fencing around the new vege bed and mulched the path to the clothesline.  The fence section that is in the bottom left of the pic is the gate so I can access the bed.  I have yet to lay out the pavers for stepping stones. Luckily the puppy has gotten big enough to not fit thru the fencing any more.

The seeds that I started in peat pellets are doing well. The kale seems to have all spouted and quite a few of the tomatoes have too, as has the broccoli and the asparagus.

Two weeks ago I got an avocado seed and took off the outer layer of the seed, stuck some toothpicks into it and popped it into water. I checked it today and have noticed that there is a large crack in it on the bottom and I can see what appears to be a root inside the crack. Exciting stuff.  Last time I tried to grow an avo tree absolutely nothing happened. I had that seed sitting in water for over 6 weeks before one of the cats decided to play with it. This time I may have success.  I haven't changed the water yet, just been topping it up with straight tap water.