Friday, August 30, 2013

Aug 30 Plantings

Today I put in some peas - 2 varieties, some capsicum seedlings and 3 azaleas. 

The pea seeds I put in ages ago were mostly eaten by some thing before they even sprouted, and those that did sprout got attacked by slugs and snails.  I even put in more seeds but that same things happened.  Hopefully these seedlings will take off.

The capsicums are in bed 4.  I added 1 bag of compost and 1 of chicken manure and mixed that around on top of whatever was still in the bed.  Then I added 2 bags of garden soil but only to 1 half as it wasn't going to be enough to fill it all.  I will have to get some more soil to fill up the other half of the bed.

The azaleas are outside the laundry.  We used to have a self sown olive tree - at least I think was an olive.  We did get these tiny black berries on it over summer.  I am amazed the poor thing actually survived.  It never got watered, was in bed only 18 inches wide and next to our neighbours garage wall.  If you are wondering why I am talking in past tense about the tree - hubby cut it down once the solar panels got installed.  It had gotten tall enough to cast shadow on the roof.  So rather than do annual maintenance to cut it back he took the whole thing out.  Oh well.  It wasn't like we used the fruit from it.  He also removed all the mulch from the bed it was in and all that was lying around on the path.  I was very annoyed by that.  I think I may have mentioned it.

But now I have some pretty azaleas to relace it.  Two pinks and one white.  I hope they like their new home.  My parents have an azalea that was planted over 50 years ago and it is still going strong.

Everything got mulched with sugar cane mulch.  I like this stuff.  It comes in a big bag and seems to spread quite far.

In a few days I will get more soil and fill up the rest of bed 4.  Not sure what veges to put in.  Maybe some pumpkins?  The pansies and primulas in bed 3 look good.  I think I will put in a couple of tomatoes in between these.

I am also thinking of getting 3 more of the same beds to fill up my lawn space.  I watered the whole lot the other day with weed kill.  It doesn't appear to be doing much yet, but I know it will and it will be fairly sudden.  If not, well I will just go over it again

I would also like to do something with the space under the clothesline  - we have a large rotary line.  There was a plant in that bed but I cut it out as it was getting in the way of the clothes on the line.  so now I have weed infested garden bed.  The issue I have with this bed is that it is out the back and I'm sure the dogs would dig it up.  They get into one of the rose beds and dig around one of them.  They are only trying to get cool but it is so annoying.  I go out the back and find dirt and mulch all over the path and a dog asleep under the rose bush.