So far I have put 2 loganberries and 1 marionberry into large pots, planted out 1 dwarf apple and 1 dwarf nashi pear. I have also potted up a dwarf navel orange and planted out 6 raspberries - 2 each of 3 varieties; and I have planted out 2 rhubarb crowns. In fact I had what looked like a tiny crown in with it - so I planted it into it's own pot too.
Where the raspberries are went from this.......
to this.......
Today I dug up/pulled out the old potatoes that came up over autumn - got a dozen of a useful size. the other small ones I left in the vege garden beds to do their thing now that it is starting (ever so slowly) to get a bit warmer. I also added a bag of manure to each bed and covered them all with sugar cane mulch.
In the next couple of days I will plant out the other seed potatoes I have, the small spuds I harvested earlier in the year and the 2 sweet potato plants.
To get more spuds I need to build up the soil/mulch around them as the plants grow. Must remember to do that.
All the vege beds now have a nice coat of mulch. I bought some bales that were water damaged and going cheap. One bale had a worm in it - I put him into the vege bed. I hope he likes it.
Speaking of worms - my attempt at having a worm farm failed. I think they got too hot over last summer and either all died or they wriggled their way out of their home. Not too sure if I want to try again. Might be an idea to take the plastic tub with the soil/food scraps/etc out of the polystyrene box it is sitting in and plonk it down onto the ground. It has holes in the bottom so it will most likely act like a small compost bin. Hhhmmmm..